
Ants also known as Crematogaster

Ants live in underground or above-ground colonies and are most active from spring through fall. Destroying the colony is critical as well as killing the ants outside the colony that are foraging for food. Their most distinctive characteristic is not physical but behavioral.

The most common Ants are: :

  • Ghost Ants

Their color is a light yellowish-brown to dark brown, slightly bigger than 1/8" and when it's viewed from above the abdomen has a distinct heart shape. Usually, you find these type of ants in Outdoors- stumps, hollow trees, or firewood, under yard debris or other materials. Indoors - in walls or ceilings, or carpenter ant nests, or within soft materials like foam insulation. These type of ants may even create shields of plant material over their food, protecting it from other ants and predators.

  • Argentine

Generally, their color is brown and slightly smaller than the common type Ant, 1/11" - 1/10". They tend to nest under heavy leaf litter, at the base of trees, under wood on the ground and in planters and mulch. Also, they are very aggressive-can drive most other ant species out of their territory, trail in large numbers and develop super-colonies that spread across large areas.

  • Carpenter

Carpenter Ants are black and their size is around : 1/4" to 1/2", so they slightly bigger than the other types. that's why their large size makes them easier to identify. You could find them in stumps, dead portions of trees or logs. They don't eat wood but carve out smooth galleries in wood for nesting.

  • Fire

Fire Ants are Reddish brown and their size is around 1/8” to 1/4”. Their behavior is very aggressive and find them is large mounds. Mounds can be up to 2 feet high and 3 feet wide, and are often located near shrubs or other structures, which provide protection from burrowing, ant-eating animals. Known for their painful, burning sting, they often seem to attack whoever steps near their mound. Some are extremely allergic to the sting and will require medical attention to deal with the toxins.

  • Odorous House Ant

The Odorous Ants are shiny black to dark brown color and they growth to around 1/8” . Its distinction is that they have a single node that is tucked closely against the front of the abdomen. You will find them outdoors and indoors, on outdoors they make shallow soil nest under any material on the ground and Indoors they nest in wall voids, under insulation in crawl spaces, or within cavities in the wood. Last, the name of Odorous Ant is derived from the strong odor given off when the ants are crushed, said to resemble rotting coconuts.

  • Pharoah

Pharoah Ants they are red to yellowish color and and their size is around 1/12" to 1/16". They are the smallest of all types and they are very aggressive. Its distinction besides being the smallest one it got to nodes and its antenna has 12 segments and ends in a three segmented club. They are very familiar among the other ants types as you find them in wall voids, cabinets, boxes of food, and any accessible small crevice spaces are known to invade sick rooms and feed on blood plasma and wound dressings. Finally, colonies have multiple queens and can split into small groups and spreading very rapidly.


  • We handle this sort of pest all the time, give us a chance to show you exactly how. 


How to get rid of this?...

To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.


The sub-tropical climate of central and south Florida produces a wide-range of ant populations, year-round. Every business and or home can experience an Ant invasion at anytime, and good or poor sanitation may have nothing to do with why.

The Ghost Ant is one of the most common interior ant/ insect issues for most Hotels and Restaurants. Extremely small with multiple reproductive queens, their colonies can nest and breed almost anywhere – behind or inside walls, packed undisturbed storage or in far away lockers even under the insulation inside your attics!

Whereas most other Pest Control companies fail to understand that this pest can be just as dangerous to your business as any Rat or Cockroach, Neoguard has a track record and the solutions to meet your every need where Ghost Ants, Crazy ants, Pavement ants and a host of other species are concerned. Our unique service approach will guarantee that this pest will never be an issue in your property with Neoguard in control.

In the mean time here is list of tips to follow up as a prevention to keep these little tiny insects out of your home or business:

  •    Trim trees, bushes, and shrubs back from the exterior walls and the roof of your home or business.

  •    Reduce humidity levels by using a dehumidifier and adequately ventilate crawlspaces.

  •    Remove dead trees, stumps, and other debris from your yard.

  •    Fix areas of water damage in and around your property by fixing leaky faucets, fixtures, and pipes.

  •    Inspect your property's exterior walls and roof, and repair any openings that could act as entry points.


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